Hi there!
I'm Robin Iyeli, 20 years old, currently residing in Groningen. I was born in The Hague and raised in the vicinity of Assen.
During my free time, I am actively engaged in fitness activities at the gym and practice kickboxing. I also enjoy gaming, hanging out with friends, and indulging in various creative pursuits.
I am a third-year student at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, pursuing a degree in Communication & Multimedia Design. I successfully completed my first-year studies, obtaining my propaedeutic certificate.
Additionally, I have a passion for designing logos, brand identities, clothing, and creating posters. I also delve into music production, photography/videography, and enjoy exploring the psychology of human behavior in tandem with my creative ventures.
If you're in search of a young designer who is creative, thoughtful, and attentive, please feel free to get in touch with me!
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